
Title : Lawyer, Partner Year of call : 2013

Expertise : litigation | real estate law | construction law

Hotline: 438 943-2028

Me Julien Poirier-Falardeau has been a lawyer since 2013 and practices at the Montreal office. He specializes in litigation, construction law and real estate law. He holds a bachelor’s degree in International Studies from Université de Montréal and a bachelor's degree in law completed in 2012. Moreover, he is on the Dean's Honour List of Université de Montréal's Faculty of Law.

Me Poirier-Falardeau's practice includes important activities such as: advising and representing major commercial lessors in litigation and negotiations of all kinds; injunctions and other extraordinary remedies in real estate and contractual matters; representing professional orders in investigations and disciplinary complaints; representing various parties in the construction industry in litigation; and representing developers in latent defect litigation. He has extensive knowledge and experience in the fields of commercial leasing, retail and food service, and technical aspects specific to the construction industry.

Me Poirier-Falardeau is very committed and active in his field. He acts as a speaker on various legal aspects of commercial leasing, writes articles on real estate law for the magazine Espace Montréal and has contributed to the educational book: Courtage immobilier: aspects civils et déontologiques, 4th ed. 4th edition, Montréal.

Very early in the morning or later in the evening, he does not hesitate to travel at his clients' convenience to meet them and understand their reality and the issues they face. He knows how to popularize more complex legal concepts to ensure that the parties involved have a good understanding of the legal stakes of their cases. He quickly understands and measures his clients' short, medium and long-term needs.

Me Poirier-Falardeau is easy to approach and with respect and honesty, he inspires trust. He practices a balanced lifestyle through sports, reading and manual work. His very wise motto is “Make haste slowly”.

Assistant: Carmen Valmora


  • Litigation (construction, disciplinary, disciplinary, commercial litigation, business litigation, remedies of all types)
  • Real estate law (construction law, condominium law, property law, leasing law)
  • Construction law


  • LL.B., Université de Montréal (2012)
  • Bachelor’s degree in International Studies, Université de Montréal (2009)

Professional experience

  • Mercier Leduc (2013 to 2019)
  • Jolicoeur Lacasse (2013)

Lecturing, conferences, publications

  • Lecrurer on various legal aspects specific to commercial leasing
  • Articles on real estate law published in the magazine Espace Montréal
  • Contributions to « Courtage immobilier: aspects civils et déontologiques » (Real estate brokerage: civil and ethical aspects), 4th ed., Montreal : Yvon Blais
  • Research assistant for various professors, Faculty of Law, Université de Montreal


  • Honor roll of the Dean, Law Faculty, Université de Montréal (2012)